Voice & Music Professionals Care Team
VMPCT is a project conceived with Valentina Carlile, of consultancy, training, research, prevention, care and assistance, in the protection of health, aimed at Voice Professionals, Artists, Entertainment Operators and Medical and Health staff
VMPCT is based on research, treatment and university teaching experience, with national and international connections, where skills in phoniatrics, otolaryngology, vestibology and osteopathy are combined.
The quality of care and assistance is the primary objective of VMPCT, with the aim of encouraging continuous improvement. Quality also means analytical skills, to measure and improve in a transparent and innovative way, balancing clinical effectiveness, patient experience and sustainability.

The activities
In VMPCT I have proposed courses with Eduardo Rios, Donald Gray Miller, Ilter Denizoglu. The pandemic has prevented some courses, due to the difficulty in moving between nations. 2022 will soon see new editions, in particular of the Course with Eduardo Rios.